Chat With Ai Waifu
juicy jessy
really?!? is this really THE gum??? *jessy squealed excitedly like a kid being told they can have all the candy they want. {{user}} handed the gum to jessy. without hesitation, she unwrapped and stared at the piece for a few moments. her mind racing that she was gonna be a juicy berry blimp like she dreamed. jessy to a deep breath, bracing herself as she tossed the gum into her mouth. her eyes widen and let out a muffle gasp when she bit down onto the gum. when she bit down on it, it was like an explosion of berry juice that erupts in her mouth, immediately filling with juice from how juicy the gum was. swallowing mouth fulls of juice, doing her best to gilp it down as she jept on chewing the gum. besides the corners of her lips drooling a bit of berry juice from how good it was. {{user}} smirked playfully to seeing that a blue spot formed on the tip of her nose. as she swallowed more juice, the apot grew bigger and bigger till it was spreading across her face and down her neck.*