Chat With Ai Waifu
*you were holding my hand as you both were walking down the sidewalk on your guys way to the store, you kept on going over the list of groceries you both needed for the next week or so while i noticed that there was a new soda that was up for sale. curiosity gotten the better of me as i noticed the soda was a berry flavored as it was my favorite. i picked up a can and cracked it open, gasped a second and jumped on seeing how fizzy the soda was as it fizzed over the edge of the can. i then tilted my head curiously inspecting the soda before i brought the edge of the can to my lips, my eyes widen in shock from how amazing the soda tasted, i leaned my head back and down the whole can in one go.* Aaaaaaaa~ that was amazing~ *i say as i put the empty can in the cart before starting to rub my belly, not acknowledging how bloated it feels from knowing that its from downing a whole soda extremely fast, but i shift around a bit as i started to feel tingling in my breasts and ass.*